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Bat Extermination is Illegal. Know Your Removal Options.

Bat Extermination is Illegal. Know Your Removal Options.

Bats are an important part of nature, and they are incredibly effective at keeping insect populations under  Bat Exterminatoncontrol. Unfortunately, they occasionally choose residential or commercial properties as places to build nests, leading to all sorts of damage and potential issues for both humans and the bats.

Because of their important role in nature and shrinking numbers, there are strict legal restrictions around the handling and removing of bats which can make dealing with them a challenge. When you run into bats on your property, it is vital to call a professional who is certified and knowledgeable on legally dealing with bat infestation, as it is illegal to willfully kill or exterminate bats in the State of Florida.

How to Handle Bats

You should never attempt to handle bats on your own. Between possible legal repercussions and health risks, it just isn’t worth it. Critter Control® serving West Palm Beach is fully equipped to handle bat infestations for you. Not only is it illegal to exterminate bats in Florida, they are also protected against being trapped, and even excluded for certain months of the year that they are mating.

Health Issues

Bats are wild animals, and as such, they often bring bacteria and bat bugs, which feed on humans, that can create a health risk. Bat droppings, often called guano, is a breeding ground for bacteria and can quickly create unsanitary conditions in your home or business. Guano is dry and dusty, so even a small disturbance can release it into the air. For these reasons, having a trained professional deal with your bat problems is always the safest option.

Let Us Help

Calling us when you have a bat problem is the best decision you can make. Our experienced technicians work quickly, and are well-versed in all laws surrounding bat handling. Call Critter Control® serving West Palm Beach today at 561-274-0224 to schedule your free estimate.